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Toyota MR2 » Pamastymui: mechanine sankabos problema. kas tai gali itakoti? (angliskai)

b145t3r // Toyota MR2 Turbo // Prague // 2011-11-25 19:50:39 // Žinučių:454
sveiki. pas mane nesiliauja problemos su Fensport 700 series twin clutch. pirma karta nusuko shlicus ant abieju lekshtuciu, dabar pagal atsirandancius simptomus arteja tas pats. tiksliau itariu kad jau vienai lekstutei nusuko shlicus. viskas per beveik per 5 menesius. pakopinu susirasynejima su Fensport:



I am not sure that you will remember me, but I was in your workshop at the end of July. I brought you then my faulty 700 clutch (twin plate) ceramic friction plates with inner teeth damage and you kept them.
That day I bought new organic ones. Now, I guess, it will be the same story. Because all indications the same as before clutch completely gone. Yesterday, on the way to work, at the moment of changing gear, the sound of over acceleration came out. Next what happened is that I could not turn 3rd gear without using force. When car is idling, I can not switch to 3rd and 5th gear, engine dying.
What is the warranty for the friction plates? By the way, this not the fault of my gearbox, because before fitting clutch, I bought a new one (old one was not at the best condition), changed bearing, and pressure plate bolts.
I am really disappointed with that clutch. Now to change it to any other, I have got to buy a new flyweel, clutch, etc.

Waiting for your advice.



I sent your old plates back to the manufacturer to be checked, but have not heard back about them.
This sounds strange, if you can select 1st, 2nd and 4th and reverse.
This does sound like a gearbox problem. The best thing to do is to take the gearbox off and see that you come across.

If it is the clutch we will do you a very good price on a Helix, we also have an "AS NEW" Fidanza flywheel, we can do you a very good price on this if you collect it and pay cash for it.

As I say, take off the gearbox and see what the problem is, we can then look into a solution.

Best Regards
UK & EU customers please add vat to all prices


This just can't be a gearbox problem, because I have changed it.
It is easy to say to take gearbox off. I don't have a workshop. To do this in the the workshop it will cost extra money and not pennies.

You didn't answered me about warranty.

I believe that you have got many other clutches to suit any needs, but I don't have sponsors and I am not billionaire.

I will take gearbox off, but if this is the same story, I am not going to pay again for the same sh*t


just because you put another gearbox on does not mean it is not that, I am not saying it is the gearbox, but it does sound like it as you can select most of the gears, if it was a clutch problem you would not be able to get it into any gear, the clutch has 12 months warranty against defects.

taigi, gal kam kokiu minciu kyla kas negerai?
nes net ir spjovus i ta sankaba ir norint pakeisti ja i kokia kita, reikia keisti smagrati, kuris pritaikytas butent sitam sankabos kit'ui.
Edvatronas // ST-185 (Carlos Sainz 2.0t) // Boston, UK // 2011-11-25 20:06:23 // Žinučių:3796
O kdl tu isitikines kad ne deze? Jei kai kurios pavaros jungiasi, kitos ne... Nes kai sankaba pareina nei viena pavara nebesijungia... O kaip pajudejimas is vietos normaliai?
Gyvenimas prasideda nuo 3000rpm...
Fanaz // Corolla T-Sport // Vilnius // 2011-11-25 20:14:30 // Žinučių:2432
Nematau ryšio, kaip sankabos problemos gali įtakoti kažkurių konkrečių pavarų nepersijungimą?
Akivaizdu kad dėžę pabaigei.
zycha // ZZT-231 (GT-S 1.8) // Vilnius // 2011-11-25 21:00:29 // Žinučių:5988
o diskatorius taip pat buvo keistas nauju? O kaip yra kai variklis isjungtas su begiais?
Del greiciu dezes problemu sankaba negali slysti, jei gerai suprantu issireiskima "the sound of over acceleration".
b145t3r // Toyota MR2 Turbo // Prague // 2011-11-25 22:16:06 // Žinučių:454
Edvatronas parašė:
O kdl tu isitikines kad ne deze? Jei kai kurios pavaros jungiasi, kitos ne... Nes kai sankaba pareina nei viena pavara nebesijungia... O kaip pajudejimas is vietos normaliai?

Taip, isitikines. Nes ana syki pries pakeiciant sankaba, uzdejes buvau sena deze ir ta problema buvo dingus.
b145t3r // Toyota MR2 Turbo // Prague // 2011-11-25 22:18:49 // Žinučių:454
zycha parašė:
o diskatorius taip pat buvo keistas nauju? O kaip yra kai variklis isjungtas su begiais?
Del greiciu dezes problemu sankaba negali slysti, jei gerai suprantu issireiskima "the sound of over acceleration".

Isjungus viskas lyg ir jungias, bent jau isitumia i savo pozicijas be pasipriesinimo. Diskatorius nebuvo keistas. O tai ka bandziau aprasyt, tai pakeitus begi buvo garsas tarsi trumpai pergazavus, lyg nusuktu sankaba.
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