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    Toyota Celica-Camry (aka 4-dure Celica)

    Kategorija: Kitos Toyotos

    Autorius: eddie_gt4

    eddie_gt4 2007-07-31 09:56:24 (0)  
    ex: ST185 MY'90, now: ST205 MY'96 Vilnius Žinučių forume: 3445
    maniau, kad apie Celkas zinau daug... bet pasirodo, zinau dar labai mazai :P

    "Celica Camry (1980–1982)Atidaryti naujame lange

    Originally launched as the Toyota Celica Camry in January 1980 for the Japanese home market, this model was essentially a second-generation Toyota Carina with updated body-styling and a front-end that resembled a 1978 Toyota Celica XX (known as the Celica Supra in export markets).

    The car was based on the rear-wheel drive Celica (as were the Corona and Carina) and was powered by either a 1.6 L 12T-U engine producing 88 hp JIS (65 kW) and 128 N·m (94 ft·lbf) or a 1.8 L 13T-U engine producing 95 hp JIS (70 kW) and 147 N·m (108 ft·lbf). Towards the end of its model lifecycle, Toyota introduced a sports version of the Celica Camry equipped with the 16-valve DOHC 2.0 L engine from the Celica. This is the most sought-after version of the Celica Camry in the secondhand market today.

    Although it has an identical 2500 mm (98.4 in) wheelbase to the Celica, the Corona, and the Carina, it is longer than the Carina but shorter than both the Corona and Celica. During its model cycle, over 100,000 units were sold in Japan. The Celica Camry was also exported to a number of markets using the Carina's name, and it replaced the second-generation Carina in those markets."
    stock'in'fanas © by Sheikhas
    fleimmeisteris © by hedo
    G3D45 2007-07-31 15:28:01 (0)  
    Celica GT SS (ST202) Vilnius Žinučių forume: 305
    Geras :)
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    itariamasis 2007-07-31 17:15:19 (0)  
    dzukija Žinučių forume: 301
    nebutu japonai... ;) geraja prasme...