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    Celica back in 2008?

    Kategorija: Paplepekim

    Autorius: aklasis

    aklasis 2006-05-12 12:08:37 (0)  
    Ford Mondeo Vilnius Žinučių forume: 1601
    Man siaip naujiena :) kaip celicos turetojams nezinau...


    But it won't arrive before 2008

    Toyota CS+S concept
    The Toyota Celica is on its way out -- but then it's coming back in a brand new guise. But don't hold your breath, because it's not likely to appear until 2008.

    According to a report in this week's Autocar, the Japanese car giant, which recently overtook GM as the world's biggest carmaker, is developing a mid-engined, 4WD hybrid car with four seats to replace both the MR2 and Celica. Both cars are nearing the end of their lives and will be withdrawn by mid-2006.

    It could be called a Celica -- that's yet to be determined -- and it will draw inspiration from the CS+S concept shown in Tokyo in 2003 -- see pic. However, it leaves Toyota without a high-performance motor for the time being.

    A radical departure for a sports car, the machine could house a power train similar to that of the Toyota Yaris T-Sport, using a 105bhp petrol engine, as does the Prius hybrid. It'll rev to 7,000rpm though, which, since the engine's a VVT-i, suggests that the power will mostly be found at the top end of the rev range.

    Behind the engine will be a continuously variable transmission with artificial steps to make it a more familiar experience. But there'll also be a two electric motors, one for each pair of wheels, that'll kick in during urban excursions, and when extra power is called for. For example, the Prius's motors develop some 400lb-ft of torque, which is not to be sniffed at.

    Other packaging firsts include a folding metal roof, the first in a mid-engined car. The delay is down to a shortage of hybrid drive-trains within Toyota, which is struggling to fulfil demand for them as it is.

    Sounds like one to watch...

    Sold MR2 (first one in celica club)
    Sold H Civic B16
    Ford Mondeo (Family budget saver)
    hedo 2006-05-12 13:02:16 (0)  
    ZZT-230 (GT 1.8) Vatikanas Žinučių forume: 1313
    nu tai taupom babkes :D
    tai yra mano nuomone, kuri gali nesutapti su Jusu nuomone. As tikrai jos nepersu ir neprasau ja aklai vadovautis. Darykite ka norite ir kaip norite! Copyright by milZinas©2006
    Sheikhas Klubo narys 2006-05-12 13:34:46 (0)  
    ST-185 (Carlos Sainz 2.0t) Ignalina Žinučių forume: 6685
    blee, celica :E
    cia kazkosk priuso cabrio hibridas su 100ag motoriuku. Ir dar jiems liezuvis verciasi ji vadint celica ir dar 4wd, kuriu 2wd yaris'o motoriukas, kiti 2wd priusinis generatorius.
    grybautojai :fu:
    Mk5 2006-05-12 13:40:16 (0)  
    Celica Klaipeda Žinučių forume: 578
    nelabai i masina panasi...
    aklasis 2006-05-12 13:46:04 (0)  
    Ford Mondeo Vilnius Žinučių forume: 1601
    kitaip sakant sveiki atvyke i kosmosa :)
    man tai dar ir MR2 turi pakeisti...
    Sold MR2 (first one in celica club)
    Sold H Civic B16
    Ford Mondeo (Family budget saver)
    NosTeaM Klubo narys 2006-05-12 13:53:59 (0)  
    ZZT-231 (GT-S 1.8) Vln Žinučių forume: 3170
    cia kazkokia muiline o ne celika,kuo toliau tuo baisesnes masinaos ziuriu:fu: :O :(
    7gen GTS ir 4gen GT
    Julius 2006-05-12 13:54:05 (0)  
    Subaru Legacy Kaunas Žinučių forume: 1327
    Tai cia viskoiu jau tu celicu esu mates, kad gris 2008m. Manau, kad tikrai nebus
    ViR2 2006-05-12 13:54:21 (0)  
    911 Kaunas Žinučių forume: 2880
    nevaryk ant priuso, lb smagi mashinele, o to benzininio variklio rejkia nebent batarkem pakrauti :)
    '10 Alfa Romeo MiTo 155
    '65 Porsche 911
    Ex Celica GTi, ex Supra MKIII Turbo
    Sheikhas Klubo narys 2006-05-12 13:58:19 (0)  
    ST-185 (Carlos Sainz 2.0t) Ignalina Žinučių forume: 6685
    nieko neturiu pries priuso technologijas, mielai savo kieme pasistatyciau kazka panashaus (aishku geriau koki lexus'a hibridini ar porsha o ne ta lygintuva), bet kai prdeda i celica kishti el motoriukus, ka as zinau... Toyota visai nuo sporto ir dar kaiko nulipo.
    Saulius 2006-05-12 14:14:50 (0)  
    Celica Kaunas Žinučių forume: 608
    man tai mr2 primena :)
    nurejo kuo sustriau bet ........... :(
    Skype: SauliusGTI